Path of Progress: Melissa Hegney
Through Melissa’s years at Harbor, she has held various roles, all while working towards her dream of being a Software Developer.
Q: How did you make the transition from where you started to where you are now?
A: Prior to working at Harbor, I worked as a trainer at a call center for 7 years. I enjoyed working with people but had a dream of becoming a Software Developer. I enrolled in a bachelor’s program and during my 3rd year I figured I had enough knowledge to try for some IT jobs. I applied for a couple with low hopes as the requirement seemed so high, but surprisingly got a call for one – Harbor! My call center experience served me well as I was hired into Harbor’s IT Support Desk.
Harbor knew I had long term goals to be a Software Developer and after 4 months of working in Support Desk, I was promoted to be a Junior Developer! Since then, I’ve grown to a Software Developer III and have finished my bachelor’s and master’s degree.
Q: How long have you been with Harbor?
A: I’ve been with Harbor for just over 5.5 years, starting in April of 2018.
Q: Any advice for advancing your career at Harbor?
A: Never stop learning and be proactive in it.
Q: What roles have you held at Harbor?
A: Support Desk Specialist, Junior Software Developer, Software Developer I, Software Developer II, Software Developer III
Q: What do you think is the most important quality to have to get your career started at Harbor?
A: Willingness! Being willing to learn and try new things. When you fail, be willing to try again and not give up.